Insurance Renewal Management Services

Pinnacle assists clients in competitively marketing their insurance programs. As part of our insurance renewal management services, we develop a comprehensive renewal strategy, complete with goals and objectives.

On behalf of clients, Pinnacle develops comprehensive insurance specifications for each line of coverage to be marketed, gathers insurance underwriting data, completes applications and questionnaires, and monitors and/or controls the marketing process to ensure the renewal submission is presented to the markets in an orderly, consistent, comprehensive and advantageous manner.

When received, Pinnacle evaluates the written proposals and any oral presentations and makes recommendations as to which proposal best meets the client’s needs in regard to insurance protection, premium and related costs, support services and insurer financial stability.

Many small to mid-sized companies do not employ the services of a full-time professional risk manager. As a result, personnel within the organization who are not insurance risk management professionals are asked to devote time and energy to the insurance renewal process, removing them from their core responsibilities. By selecting Pinnacle, you avail yourself to an independent and objective insurance risk management professional to serve as your advocate and manage the renewal process in a way that ensures your interests are never compromised.
