Emergency Response Planning

Pinnacle provides a range of services to assist clients plan and prepare for emergencies.

Business Continuity

Pinnacle assists clients in developing comprehensive Business Continuity Plans, often referred to as Disaster Recovery Plans. To begin the process, Pinnacle performs a business impact analysis to determine the focus of the planning engagement before developing the plan format and timeline for completion. Pinnacle serves as Project Manager to ensure timely completion of the Plan.

We also develop a maintenance procedure to provide for the ongoing updating of the business continuity plan, as well as testing procedures to ensure that what looks appropriate on paper will also work in practice.

We also assist clients in creating their Business Recovery Teams, members of which are designated as responsible for recovery of business functions.

Every business is confronted with events, both man-made and acts of nature, that could result in a variety of business interruptions, such as the temporary closing of a business, branch office or critical manufacturing facility, or the loss of product from a critical supplier. An interruption could last a matter of minutes or months. The question is how long can you afford a shut-down before your business begins to suffer a financial loss and your customers find a long-term alternative to your products or services?

Having a comprehensive, tested Business Continuity Plan and a Business Recovery Team in place is considered prudent management and is the most efficient way to minimize your downtime.

Corporate Aircraft Accident Response Planning

Pinnacle assists clients in developing emergency response plans that provide for an efficient and effective response in the event a company-owned or leased aircraft is involved in an aviation mishap. We assist in the development of requisite policies and procedures, and the development, training and testing of corporate aircraft accident response teams.

Company-owned or leased aircraft typically are used to transport senior executives for business purposes. Although a convenient and efficient means of executive travel, it is not without risk; incidents involving corporate or industrial aid aircraft can and do occur. In addition to potential tort liabilities, an incident involving your company’s aircraft can have a significant impact on your company’s operations and financial well-being. Having a tested and maintained emergency response plan in place is considered prudent management for companies that have made the decision to buy or lease corporate aircraft.

Pinnacle assists clients in developing emergency response plans that provide an efficient and effective response to kidnapping, and extortion and ransom demands. We assist in the development, training and testing of corporate Crisis Management Plans, along with the requisite policies and procedures.

Kidnap/Ransom/Extortion Planning

It is a common misconception that kidnappings, ransom and extortion situations are limited to travel to countries identified by the U.S. Department of State as posing danger to U.S. citizens. Many companies believe that if they are not traveling to certain parts of the Middle East or South America, they are not exposed to these types of events.

Unfortunately, terrorism is mobile and all Americans are targets at any time anywhere in the world, including here at home. Victims are not restricted to company executives; their family members are also targets.

While the vast majority of companies will thankfully never experience such an event, companies still need to be prepared. Failure to have a tested response plan developed in advance of any mishap can have a significant impact on your company’s operations and financial well-being.

Having such a plan in place that has been subject to routine testing and maintenance is considered prudent business management. Anyone perceived as having any importance within a company is a target. Past incidents have shown that middle management personnel are often identified as a targets in addition to members of executive management and their families.
